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Udaan Britannia Software

tsubalmulju1978 2020. 3. 2. 08:35

Parle Products Pvt. Has provided software (DMS) to its super stockiest/distributors it’s called “Sahyog (CoreStocky)”. And this “Sahyog” software developed by Botree Software Ltd. Botree Software Ltd has developed this using MSSQL as backend. The distributors are using Sahyog software in daily business. BUT for submitting VAT Returners and making financial statement (Balance Sheet), Chartered Accountant (C.A.) / Accountant required all these financial transaction in Tally Accounting Software only.

Of course no one can play the role like Tally in Accounting World. But you may cut down your cost & time and avoid repetitive work. You don’t need to re-enter Sales, Purchase & Collection etc. Vouchers in Tally for financial accounting purpose. Esync-P will simplify your day to day accounting process.View Complete Details. Why Esync-U is needed?Because you are maintaining your financial accounts in Tally. Of course no one can play the role like Tally in Accounting World.

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But you may cut down your cost & time and avoid repetitive work. You don’t need to re-enter Sales & Collection vouchers in tally for financial accounting purpose. This will simplify your day to day accounting process.Features:. No need to Import / Export. No Need to create Masters in Tally. Period wise synchronization. Vouchers display before booking entries for ready reference.

Supports to even Tally.ERP9. Eazy & Fast. VAT wise bifurcation of sales vouchersAutomatically & easily transfer your Sales & Collection vouchers from Udaan Britannia Industries Ltd. to Tally with just two clicks.1. Sales option from Main Menu:View Complete Details. Why Esync-M is needed?Because you are maintaining your financial accounts in Tally. Of course no one can play the role like Tally in Accounting World.

But you may cut down your cost & time and avoid repetitive work. You don’t need to re-enter Sales & Collection vouchers in tally for financial accounting purpose.


This will simplify your day to day accounting process.Features:. No need to Import / Export. No Need to create Masters in Tally. Period wise synchronization.

Udaan Britannia Software

Vouchers display before booking entries for ready reference. Supports to even Tally.ERP9. Eazy & Fast Installation & Operations.

VAT wise bifurcation of sales vouchersAutomatically & easily transfer your Sales & Collection vouchers from Midas Marico Ltd. to Tally with just two clicks.1. Sales option from Main Menu:View Complete Details. Just open Desired Company in Tally & Click on 'Process Tally Data' in Eazy Final and P & L, Balance Sheet, Capital Account, Fixed Asset Schedule and List of Groups will be ready for you.Get Final Accounts and Fixed Assets Schedule Printed in just few seconds. Don't type a single figure or single account head or even closing stock or even COMPANY NAME.

It will do all automatically.Don't waste time to type Final Accounts & Fixed Assets schedule in MS Excel or MS Word.100% Tallied, error free Final Accounts as entered in Tally. No balancing mistakes of Closing Stock, Capital Account, Depreciation, Fixed Assts etc.Prints Trading and P & L A/c, Balance Sheet in 'T' Shape with grouping option.Prints Capital Accounts in 'T' shape separatelyPrints up to 20 Partners Capital AccountsPrints Trading & Profit & Loss Account with / without Gross Profit.Prints Receipt & Payment Account.Automatically Partner wise bifurcation of Remuneration/Interest on Capital / Share Profit in P & L.Prints Fixed Assets Schedule with Addition/Deletion to Asset ColumnPrints List of Sundry Creditors, Sundry Debtors etc.

With customized titles such as 'Schedule A', 'Schedule B' etc.Prints Detailed/Summarized Balance SheetYou can save data with 'Tentatative','Projected','Final' tag to get printouts in future without opening Tally.You can also Alter & Save Profit & Loss Account, Balance Sheet, Capital Account, and Fixed Asset Schedule for those clients who don't have company in Tally.Set foot notes for P&L, B/s, and Capital Accounts & Fixed Assets Schedule.Warnings for Drawings, Negative Cash Balance. Unclear Suspense Account, Profit & Loss a/cView Complete Details.

Key Requirements. Good Software engineering skills: It could be in any language or technologies of your choice, but theyexpect you to know them deeply. In addition, they expect you to be a quick learner in any newtechnology that you get exposed to.

Product Thinking & Problem Solving: They need their engineers to deeply understand customer needs,business use-cases, and connect that back to the products that they are working. Ownership: They believe in end-to-end product ownership.

Udaan is India’s largest and fastest growing B2B e-trade platform for Small & Medium Businesses inIndia. At Udaan, they are looking to create a fundamentally disruptive value proposition for small andmedium businesses (SMBs) across India.India has 50 million+ SMBs – comprising of Traders, Brands, Distributors, Retailers and Manufacturers –who form core of Indian economy and society. They are the entrepreneurial pulse of India. Udaan wants tobring the power of Internet to these millions of entrepreneurs.Udaan is poised to be B2B trade platform like what WhatsApp is to social communication and Facebookis to social networking!Founders ProfileAmod Malviya: Alumnus of IIT Kharagpur.

Ex CTO at Flipkart. He was responsible for building Flipkart'sTech stack across functions from scratch. He is one of the most renowned leaders in the tech space inIndia, and is a major proponent of Open source.Kumar: Alumnus of IIT Delhi. Ex-President (COO) at Flipkart. Third Employee at Flipkart andestablished the business from scratch.

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He led business, and supply chain and was responsible for manyof the firsts in e-commerce in India such as introducing COD, and set up Flipkart's own supply chainnetwork, Ekart.Gupta: Alumnus of IIT Delhi and Darden School of Business. Ex-McKinsey and Ex SVP Finance,Analytics and Strategy at Flipkart. Led Product, Supply Chain, Business Finance and Strategy at Flipkart.Was responsible for fund raising.Coverage.